Meet Our 2023-25 Board Members
Linda Moore, President
Yes, Linda loves birds and has worked with them in some capacity for many years. But she doesn’t have a life list, she doesn’t really keep track of rare birds in the area and she usually doesn’t go out of her way to see them if she hears about them. Linda considers herself to be a decent birder, but certainly not a great one. She spent many years working with raptors and considering LBBs (little brown birds) to be food for them, and she still struggles with identification of many of those, especially sparrows. Despite all that, she absolutely loves going out birding, especially when she can go with someone better than her so she can learn more. That is where Linda hopes to have some influence on the chapter: for the organization to continue to reach out and provide people with the opportunity to get outside, enjoy nature, and learn a little something about our feathered friends. She truly believes that people will protect that which they enjoy and are familiar with. She hopes to meet many of you during her tenure as president, and looks forward to socializing and sharing birding stories and experiences with you.
Ian Robinson, Treasurer
Ian is a retired wildlife veterinarian and conservationist. He moved to Silver City with his wife Dawn Smith in late 2019. Born in England, and a life-long birder, Ian moved to the US in 2006. He is now enjoying learning about the wildlife, and particularly the birds of the Southwest.
Susan Slade, Membership
Susan and her husband Ken relocated to Silver City in 2010 after retirement from their employment in southern California, she from a K-12 school district and he from construction. Susan became fascinated with birds early, when visiting a bird sanctuary while completing a girl scout badge. She has been a backyard birder ever since. In retirement she is happily learning more about the wonderful birds of southwest New Mexico. She admires the way our local chapter is helping the community learn more about birds and the environment that supports them. Susan also enjoys gardening and volunteers with local music and arts groups.
Will Mora, Secretary
Will is a retired sports medicine and family physician. He enjoys bird watching, hiking, camping, exploring nature, and spending time with his wife Stacy and 2 dogs, Mesa and Chaco.
Megan Ruehmann, Programs Chair
Megan is a wildlife biologist for the consulting group Eagle Environmental, Inc and is involved in survey efforts for many avian species of conservation concern. Megan is joined on this committee by biologist Emily Pollom, who serves as collaborator, host and support for events. Together they aim to continue with traditional programs, as well as incorporate other events and outings to reach a broader audience of those interested in our natural world. Anyone is welcome to contribute to the committee, even temporarily!
Dawn Smith, Conservation Chair
Dawn Smith is a retired veterinary technician who spent most of her career in wildlife rehabilitation and conservation. Now settled in southwest New Mexico, she spends most of her time outdoors, enjoying its quiet beauty.
Patricia Taber, Publicity Co-Chair
Patricia moved to Silver City from Vermont and has been a Board member since 2001 and The Ravens newsletter editor since 2004. Patricia is a plein air painter and camps out while creating her southwest landscape paintings, and volunteers for the NM Alliance. She is a licensed bird bander and enjoys birding locally and in Central and South America.
Heidi Erstad, Publicity Co-Chair
Heidi moved to Silver City from Milwaukee, Wisconsin after retiring in 2021 from a career in public school education. She's thrilled to have time to dedicate to getting outdoors and learning about the wonders of the Southwest, particularly the amazing birding in this corner of the country.
Youth Education Chair
Vacant. Please contact us for more information!
Board Documents
The Bird Alliance of Southwestern New Mexico invites members to our Board of Directors meetings.
Board meetings are held every other month, on the first Monday of the month, at 5 PM. If you are interested in attending board meetings, please email us at
We will add you to the list to receive the agenda and location a few days in advance of the meeting.