Donate to make a difference for birds!
Photo: Franky DeAngelis
The Bird Alliance of Southwestern New Mexico is a chapter of the National Audubon Society and works to protect Southwestern New Mexico birds and their habitats in many ways. Educational programming, immersive field trips with expert leaders, work on current local conservation issues, developing interactive activities for adults and children at events - these are a few of the methods we utilize to encourage an interest in birds and habitat protection.
Your donation will help us continue this work!
Please note that Zeffy, our donation platform, provides us the ability to use online services without administrative charges. The payment page will ask you to make a donation to Zeffy in return. Check the amount prior to completing your payment, and change it to any amount from 0 on up. Zeffy allows BASWNM to keep 100% of your gift, and we are very thankful for that!!