We will meet at the Little Cherry Creek trailhead at 8:00 am on March 8th. We will hike about 2 miles and listen for Acorn Woodpeckers, Red-naped Sapsuckers, and others!
Directions: Head north on Hwy 15; go past the town of Pinos Altos and continue past mile marker 9. On your right, look for the wooden “Little Cherry Creek Ranch” sign and a sign indicating that Cherry Creek Campground is 2 miles away. Turn right into the gravel parking area. If full, continue on road (FR 855) to next available pull-off. High clearance vehicles recommended.
Carpooling from Silver City: Meet under the solar panels near the WNMU Fine Arts building, ready to leave at 7:30.
Hotspot: See for birds we might expect to see there this time of year.
Accessibility: Trail is on a primitive road, primarily dirt and gravel with loose rocks, pine needles, and pine cones throughout. Steady incline for duration of trail, with several uneven patches and dips; shallow water crossings throughout (dependent on season and recent weather). Poison ivy present in growing season. Occasional vehicle use and dogs off-leash. Box canyon section ground is very uneven; can be wet and muddy. Mostly shaded. No restrooms or drinking water available.