Nest Watch

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology has citizen science opportunities year-round. With spring and the start of bird breeding season right around the corner, we thought you might be interested in learning more about their NestWatch project.

NestWatch is a decades-old monitoring program designed to track status and trends in the reproductive biology of birds across the United States. The project teaches people about bird breeding biology and then engages them in collecting and submitting nest records. Information collected by citizen scientists is then used by scientists to better understand and manage the impacts of environmental change on bird populations. Participating in NestWatch is easy:

  1. Learn the ethics and processes for nest-monitoring

  2. Find nests to watch

  3. Record and submit your observations

Even if you’re not interested in or able to monitor nests, you’ll find the website full of useful information about birdhouses, nesting cycles, and more.

Visit to learn more and get started!


Christmas Bird Count and Raptor Survey Results Posted


New Spring Events posted!