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Silver City Christmas Bird Count & Potluck

Any and all birding skill levels are encouraged to participate in this annual all-day Silver City bird count. Emails will go out to previous CBC participants; interested others should contact John Gorey at

We’ll have our usual potluck after the count, featuring bird trivia and jokes, as well as the annual CBC recap of birds seen with comparisons to historic numbers. The countdown and potluck will be held at the Rolling Stones building at 2045 Memory Lane, Silver City. [At the Rte 180 4-way stoplight, take Memory Lane. Building is on the right before the cemetery.] Doors will open at 4pm and serving will start at 5pm, followed by the presentation of survey results by each group.

The annual Feeder Count will be held the same day, December 21. The feeder count is a great way to participate if you can’t make it out to help with the routes, or if you wish to bird from your home. For Feeder Count information, contact John Gorey at

December 14

Victorian Christmas

December 28

Gila River Christmas Bird Count